Monday, February 28, 2011

Remote! Where are you?!

So no more depressing posts about my emotional ramblings about moving. I need to just be positive and practice what I preach. Really start looking at it as an opportunity rather than a death sentence, although I haven't been looking at it like a death sentence, I haven't been looking at it in a positive light either. So no more, I tell you! At least till I'm down there, I kid I kid.

So we have a remote crisis! We always loose the stupid bedroom TV remote. No joke, like a nightly basis its a "Where's the remote? I don't know you had it last. No you had it last." type thing. It's pretty funny.. Erik doesn't think so though. But I find it hilarious.

Oh and on another note, I think I decided that during this time away from school I am really going to try to look into things I enjoy. Lately, it has been photography. It's just really interesting to see what you can capture forever, just the whole single moment.

Well it is off to bed for me!
Happy Monday night everyone!

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