Thursday, June 21, 2012


May 14th

We went to Kentucky over the past weekend for my sister-in-law's wedding. The drive up wasn't too bad - outside of the fact that the car we rented had no cruise control, which to us so super weird. Her wedding was beautiful and everything came together perfectly.

We told our parents over the weekend about our growing baby - Erik's on Saturday as a early Mother's Day gift, and mine on Sunday - Mother's Day. We gave them a double hinged picture frame, with a picture of us and our parent's from our wedding day. And on the other side, we wrote a note that said, "Sorry, our next family photo isn't due until January 2013!". We thought it was a cute idea.

Erik's parents were thrilled. His mom was so excited - they've been wanting a grandchild for a couple of years now. And this will be their first grandchild. My MIL did however, get extremely upset when we tried to explain that we didn't want anyone to come down for 2 weeks after the baby was born. And I can completely understand her being upset. I guess my upbringing is really a lot different than Erik's. I didn't see my grandparents except for maybe once a year - they lived 12+ hours away. Erik on the other hand, lived minutes from his grandparents. So he knew them well and visited almost daily. I grew up in a military family, where we didn't have that comfort of being near family, and my children will grow up in that environment - where friends sometimes are closer then family. So I can see why she is upset and she was able to understand my points about how I do not want my baby to be held constantly, or being passed around. I want my baby to not be in a stressful environment and I don't want to have to worry about my appearance days after I have a child. So - we said we would figure something out - which we need to sit down and do sooner rather than later.

My parents just gave us a "Congratulations and We're so happy for you" response. I was kind of hoping for a bit more. But I was tired when we spoke with them, and I could be taking it the wrong way.

I have noticed from the past week or so that I feel extremely over protective of our growing baby. I've always been laid back and go with the flow type of person, and now I feel like I need to be in control of anything pertaining to our baby. I just want what's best, and I feel very set in my ways on what that is right now. I'm sure it's something plenty of first time mom's go through, or at least I would like to think it is.

Nothing really new has been going on here other wise. Just sleeping as much as possible, which isn't hard since I'm tired all of the time. Other than that, same ol thing going on. I did start school back up today. I'm registered in 4 classes, or 13 credit hours. Thankfully, I was able to utilize the MYCAA grant to finish my associates. I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I could finish in December with my AA, or I can push it out until May and take an additional 3 classes of prereq's for my Bachelors that I wouldn't have to pay for. I'm not really sure what I want to do. I know which option is the smarter one, however, I still rather be finished earlier than later. So.. we'll see how it figures it's self out.

24 day's until we get to see our peanut on our first ultrasound. I can't wait to see him or her and hear their heartbeat for the first time. I'm debating on purchasing a doppler to use at home to listen to it, but I'm not sure if I want to spend the $60 on it. When it can be used for something else for the baby, but I'm sure it would be used often. We'll see....

Till next time!

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